NOTE: All Events are Listed in Eastern Time


  • February 07, 2013
  • 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
  • Teleconference


Registration is closed

Olfactory Gifts

Our sense of smell is a wonderful gift, isn’t it? Freshly-mown grass, the bouquet of good wine, the mustiness of long-closed pages in an old book, or the warmth of fresh bread filling the kitchen. 

They trigger powerful memories which outlive the sense of smell sometimes lost through old age or stress, bringing both pleasure and recognition. 

I can re-live the first embrace of my new-born daughter and know again the delight of knowing she was mine. Mine to hold, to love and protect, but also mine because she was part of me. Today she is a grown woman and a loving wife, but she will always be my daughter, always bring me pleasure because that’s who she is.

Did you know that God feels that same way about you?

For we are a fragrance of Christ to God (2 Corinthians 2:15)

According to the Bible, which I have heard is a pretty reliable source, we are acceptable to God. Not just acceptable, either, but we actually please Him.


Check out Romans 12:1 if you don’t believe me. Rather like the fragrance rising to God from the altar of incense in the Temple, our prayers too are pleasing to God, and express our devotion to Him as well as our dependence, building a relationship of constant interaction and mutual enjoyment.

There is something special about offering our devotion in concert with others who love God too, and sharing in our requests for those we love and serve. Even reaching out to others as we pray can bring pleasure to God, as He sees love and trust grow into unity.

Decide to join with other Christian coaches in February and bring the Father pleasure as we offer ourselves to Him and to each other. Get the handout early by registering for the call now. Then you can read the scriptures and come to the call smelling like - well, you know Who.

Date: Thurs., 7 Feb 2013
Time: 12:00 to 12:45 ET
Cost: None
Format: Tele-call
Click here.

Call Information: Will be emailed immediately after registration. If you have not received the call in details within 5 minutes of registering, please check your spam filter.

Your Presenter: Geoff Cheeseman